PAT301: Computer-Based Modeling for Design and Analysis with MSC/PATRAN
Post Processing of Displacement Results:
Examine the deformation of the MSC/NASTRAN model to evaluate the validity of the assumptions made in the creation of the mesh density and selection of element type.Use the Basic and Advanced results in post-processing forms.
Post Processing of Stress Results With Results:
To post-process stress results from MSC/NASTRAN and use MSC/PATRAN to create fill and fringe plots to determine if the analyzed part will meet a customer-defined criteria or whether the part needs to be re-designed and re-analyzed.
Post-Processing Transient Response With Results:
For a simple plate animate the Transient Structural response and create a x-y plots of the structural displacement versus time.
Post Processing with Insight:
Create various Insight tools to display the results of analysis from a previous Clevis model.
Transient and Modal Animation:
Introduction of insight animation tools, perform transient animation and perform standard and quick modal animation.
Post-Processing of Time-Dependent Results:
Examine the results of a transient thermal analysis from MSC/THERMAL, create Fringe and X-Y Plots then perform a transient animation.
PAT302: MSC/PATRAN for Advanced Users
Importing Results using a Results Template:
Create results templates that will allow you to import a set of nodal results and displacements. The template created in this exercise will allow the user to easily import a custom set of results that would otherwise not be supported.
Projected Coordinate Systems:
Get familiar with the difference between Global and Projected-Global coordinate systems.
Post Processing of Results:
Learn details about obtaining results.
PAT322: Advanced Engineering Analysis with MSC/PATRAN Advanced FEA OR
NAS120: Linear Static and Normal Nodes Analysis
Post Processing of Stress Results:
In this exercise, you will examine the stress results of the Clevis model analyzed using the MSC/NASTRAN code by rendering a variety of fringe and element fill plots.