Loads Two categories are made for this selection: Property and Graphic Use Interface (GUI). Propertywrites a function to apply the loads and element properties to the finite element mesh of the lug. GUI introduces Graphic Use Interface for MSC/PATRAN.
Building Parameterized Models Two categories are made for this selection: Geometry and Meshing. Geometrycreates composite surfaces to fix disjointed surfaces of an imported drawing, and construct a single, fluid, consistent mesh which can be used for purposes of analysis. Meshing creates the required 2-D geometry for a 3-D model.
Adding style to your forms shows the good and the bad styles. In addition, it also demonstrates exercises on how to use icons to your forms.
Customized Load Creation Form presents different customizations for load creation forms.
Creating groups automatically shows how to apply code a from you build, and write a PCL function to create a group of elements based on the shape of the elements.
Writing Data to a text file shows how to write data to an ASCII file by using PCL.
Keymapping PCL Fuctions
maps PCL commands into a selected key, and use session file to create a PCL function.
Reading Data from a text file shows how to read data from an ASCII file by using PCL.
Spawning a UNIX process from MSC/PATRAN shows how to spawn a UNIX command, and read the results into PCL.
Adding a Customized Pull-Down Menu
presents the basics of MSC/PATRAN GUI, and learn to create a Pull-down Menu.
Selecting files from your own form
shows how to work with a File Widget. In addition, learn techniques to communicate and shear data between classes/forms.