PAT312: Introductin to Thermal Analysis Using MSC/THERMAL
Thermal Analysis using Imported CAD Geometry:
In this exercise you will complete a thermal analysis of a model created from imported CAD geometry.
Temperature Dependent Material Properties:
Create a 2D material slice consisting of two materials with temperature dependent material properties. Then visually and qualitatively compare the MSC/THERMAL results with the results of an analytical solution.
Thermal Analysis of the Hybrid Microcircuit:
In this exercise complete a steady state thermal analysis of the 3D hybrid microcircuit.
Time Dependent Boundary Conditions:
Model an aluminum plate. Use microfunctions to apply time dependent boundary conditions to the plate corners then run a transient analysis to produce time dependent results.
Using Convection Correlations:
Model an iron cube and apply convective boundary conditions using correlations from the MSC/THERMAL convection correlation library. Run a steady state analysis and display results.
Analysis of a Fuel Nozzle Tip:
Model an axisymmetric slice of a fuel nozzle tip then apply advective, radiative, and convective boundary conditions. Run a steady state analysis and display results.
PAT322: Advanced Engineering Analysis with MSC/PATRAN Advanced FEA
Thermal - Structural Exercise:
Demonstrate the use of thermal analysis with temperature loading. In addition, demonstrate the use of structural analysis with temperature loading.
Transient Heat Transfer Analysis:
A 2-Dimensional cross section of a container holding a fluid is modeled in this exercise. Initially, the outside and inside of the container are at 1000°. The temperature of the inner fluid in the model drops from 1000° to 800° in a period of 10 seconds. Perform a transient heat transfer analysis and model convection and conduction.
Thermal - Structural Exercise II:
Demonstrate the use of thermal analysis with temperature loading. In addition, demonstrate the use of structural analysis with temperature loading and a temperature field.