NAS120: Linear Static and Normal Nodes Analysis Using MSC/NASTRAN and MSC/PATRAN
Linear Static Analysis of a Cantilever Beam (SI Units):
Create and apply a pure bending load to a hollow, rectangular beam.
Linear Static Analysis of a Simply-Supported Stiffened Plate:
Create a stiffened plate, prepare a MSC/NASTRAN input file for a Linear Static analysis and visualize results.
Linear Static Analysis of a Cantilever Beam Using Beam Library (SI Units):
Create and apply a pure bending load to a hollow, rectangular beam using beam library.
CBAR Element Shear Factor, K:
Model a loaded cantilever beam with and without shear factors.
Simple Lumped Mass System:
Model a simple lumped mass system using beam elements and point elements, apply proper constraints to ensure stability during analysis and find the first two modes of vibration.