Writing Message_Passing Parallel Programs with MPI
Message-Passing Parallel Programs with MPI

Writing Message-Passing Parallel Programs with MPI

The following MPI training materials are freely available for educational use by staff and students in academic institutes. The following acknowledgement should be made when using these materials or if you develop any documents based on these materials:

The following original MPI training materials were developed under the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) New Technologies Initiative by the Training and Education Centre at Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC-TEC), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Copyright of the material remains with the University of Edinburgh but these materials may be freely copied and adapted for educational use by staff and students in academic institutes. Commercial users and/or companies should first contact the Training and Education Manager at the address given below.

What MPI Training Materials are available

The MPI training materials consist of the following

Comments or suggestions

Any comments or suggestions on the training materials should be sent to:
Training and Education Centre
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
The King's Buildings
Mayfield Rd
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
United Kingdom

Tel No :  +44 (0)131 650 5030
FAX    :  +44 (0)131 650 6555
Email  :  etg@epcc.ed.ac.uk